Visiting to an uncommon place that too early in the mornings, has been a weekly weekend affair after joining the most fanatic group of photoholics - Mumbai Weekend Shoot (MWS). Well, for May 9, 2010, MWS had freezed on one of
the busiest market place in Mumbai - a visit to Chor Bazar also commonly known as Bhendi Bazaar. With a book and my i-pod and but ofcourse my camara, I was up and on to reach the predestined place. From western suburbs, one can take a cab from Grant Road station to Bhindi Bazaar to reach the destined place. Around 30 odd photoholics gathered about 8 in the morning, finished the weekly ritual of a Group photograph first and entered the most happening market I could have ever imagined. It was blazing hot at 8 in the morning and shops in the inner street were selling Bisleri water in some duplicate brand (no wonders).
Coming back to the bazaaar, the market was just getting momentum with few shops
opening up in the morning. This place is such that one can find all kinda stuffs, right from a small pin to a vintage collection car. Upon entering in the market, we saw this shop with 100s of old wall clocks and gramophones, this was the only shop open at that point in time and the market was taking shape at a faster pace. The street is round and round
and round, you don't realise which corner of the market you are in, though one can remember the shop number as sign to remember a place. Walking further, we saw a lane filled with all sort of automobile equipments. Going further, we saw this street selling cloths cloths and only cloths, guess every lane had a dedicated product type :). There are lots of mosques around this street, and most commonly found community of people living in and around are Muslims. Most of the people are very gentle in talking and allowed the group to take photographs while some resisted from themselves and theirs shops from being in the clicks. One gets to see a lot old architecture on both sides of thes streets.
I guess you get everything here, from old coins to old currency notes, old watches and telephones, barbells, gramophones, all kinds of furniture, fixtures, clothing, books, hardware material, automobile equipments and what not, and ya, to my surprise there was a vintage collection car up for sale. Must say, a ver
y busy street. One of my friend told me that the first market was wound up around 7.30 a.m. in the morning which begins at around 4.30 a.m. One can imagine, how busy Indian markets get, especially when its Mumbai. One of the photo enthu added to his collection of books, a book written in 1964, titled "The American Indian" saved by this photographer, from being eaten up by a goat (Goat was turning and eating some selective pages from the book on a case to case basis :)
Well to sum up, saw thousands of people pouring on to the street early morning, with some people still sleeping at cramped corridor outside their houses, some going to Mosques for daily rituals, some working hard over sewing machines, some washing clothes, some selling garments, some preparing food at hotels for their daily living etc. etc. etc. and a crazy bunch of photoholics taking a record of all these :)... Thats Mumbai....!!!!
Click for Some Glimpse of Chor Bazaar...
Coming back to the bazaaar, the market was just getting momentum with few shops
I guess you get everything here, from old coins to old currency notes, old watches and telephones, barbells, gramophones, all kinds of furniture, fixtures, clothing, books, hardware material, automobile equipments and what not, and ya, to my surprise there was a vintage collection car up for sale. Must say, a ver
Click for Some Glimpse of Chor Bazaar...
Chor bazar well set-up and nicely penned down!!!!
This is a good initiave to express thoughts...keep it up and all the best
Good one. Excellent script on your visit to Chor Bazaar. It sounds as a kind of documentary from Discovery of something of that sought!!!!!!
very well expressed!!... you have captured the whole scene with words just like u capture moments with your photography :)
gr8..keep it up!!
Nice thought of creating a blog and penning down such experiences. Incidentally,yday I was discussing this chor bazaar concept with someone and now with your script I can literally visualise the place.
Boss thanks for the wonderful review.........
You could have dropped by my place for a cup of tea....
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